Our Blog


COVID-19 Update

We would like to take this opportunity to say to all the members of our community that we are still training and our doors are still open.

We are aware of the government advice regarding the avoidance of non-essential activity and have taken special measures to ensure all our facilities are thoroughly cleaned before and after any use in SGPT Sessions or 1:1 Sessions. We are asking all members to wash their hands before and after sessions and to help us maintain our sanitising standards (we have a sink upstairs in the 2nd building).

We are still asking people with ANY cold symptoms or any known exposure to sit it out for the recommended period, but we have no plans, as yet, to close our facility (this could change depending on the daily updated government guidelines, which of course we will keep you updated with as much as possible).

Credit System

During this time, we realise that some members may not be able to make the most of our credit system, therefore we are waiving current credit expirations for the foreseeable future (Get Strong credits will have no expiry). Due to the way our memberships are set up on Team Up you will have to email us at the end of the month with how many sessions you haven’t used and we will add a pack onto your account with the corresponding credit amount with no expiry.

Home Training Options

In preparation for potentially having to train at home for an indefinite period of time, we would recommend you buy some or all of the following now so you can train more effectively. By no means are these essential and you can get a great training effect with just bodyweight, but even some bands and sliders will give you some great options. We plan to send out some home training plans early next week but for now some of these might be good in preparation:



Mini Bands




Suspension trainer


Possible Closure Options

Lastly, in the event of a forced government closure we are exploring multiple options so our members can still train effectively. These potential options are:

– designated time slots to use SSP in isolation
– equipment loaned for home training
– home sessions programmed and delivered via a smartphone app
– guided walks

We are not sure what will be allowed but we would love to get some feedback on what you would prefer, just reply to this email to share your thoughts.
We are grateful for the support of our community through this and wish you and your family the health to make it through this uncertain time.
